Tax Collector:
Kathy Vestal
Assistant Tax Collector:
Julie Converse
Hours - By Appointment
Phone: 603-968-9670
Also call: 603-744-5055
Mailing Address
Tax Collector
Town of Bridgewater
297 Mayhew Turnpike
Bridgewater, NH 03222
ANNOUNCEMENT - TAX BILLS - 2024 second half tax bills were mailed on 12/18/24 the new tax rate is $5.74. Bills are due 1/19/25. Thank you
The Tax Collector
Our tax collector is responsible for collecting property, yield (gravel & timber) and current use change taxes. Property tax bills are due semi-annually, in July and December. The tax rate is not set until the fall of each year; therefore, the first bill due in July is estimated on the previous year's tax rate. The tax year runs from April 1 to March 31.
If you want a receipt for payment, please supply a self addressed, stamped envelope and mail with a copy of your bill. It will be validated and returned to you. Please include the parcel number/tax map and lot number on your check, this is extremely important especially if you own multiple parcels, as we want to make sure that your payment is posted to the correct parcel.
Change of Address:
If you change your address, be sure to notify the Town via the Selectman's office or complete a change of address request form and mail to the Town Hall. Tax records and assessing records will be updated.
Escrow Accounts
If your taxes are in escrow, it is your responsibility to send a copy of your tax bill to your mortgage company, and to ensure payment. The Tax Collector does not send tax bills to mortgage companies.
Assessing, Abatement's, Current Use, Credits, Exemptions & Tax Appeals By law, are not roles of the Tax Collector. The Tax Collector does not have any role in assessing or levying taxes. These are all funtions of the assessor. If you have any questions on assessing, current use, "Intent to Cut" forms, gravel excavation fees, elderly exemptions/deferrals, abatements and/or appeals, please contact the Assessing Office or Selectman's Office at (603) 744-5055.
Copyright © 2021 Town of Bridgewater, New Hampshire - All Rights Reserved.