Terence Murphy
Derry Riddle
William White
Treasurer: Margaret Petraszewski
Clerk: Colleen Kenny
Moderator: Matthew Denton
The Bridgewater-Hebron Village District was organized and created as a result of towns in the Newfound Area School District posturing to compel Bridgewater and Hebron to contribute additional financial support relative to the school district annual budget in addition to parent request's for a school in the northern part of the District. (Circa 1998) While the current funding at that time was on a cost basis, they (the other towns) wanted to alter the funding system to a property valuation approach. If that had come to pass, the impact would have been dramatic to Bridgewater and Hebron. In addition, at that time, the commute for our children to school via bus was 1.5 hours which was becoming unacceptable. Additionally, the School District was experiencing inadequate elementary space. We proposed a special purpose village district be established which would construct and own a school building and lease it back to the School District for a dollar a year on a ten year renewable basis. We agreed to maintain the facility on a landlord/tenant basis. In turn, the School District provides staff, curriculum etc. There are specific provisions in the lease which clarify the responsibilities of each party and shield us from the vagueness of district politics.
The Village District continues to be a very successful model and provides a first rate facilty for our children's education and children from neighboring towns. It supports myriad programs such as the TTCC and is held as an example in the State of how collaboration between Towns and School District's can achieve great things. We should all be proud of this accomplishment.
The Village District is in excellent financial condition and over the last ten years has slowly developed a maintenance reserve to allow for emergency repairs. The facility coontinues to be an excellent resource not only for our town, but for the entire Newfound School District. We thank you for your continued support.