SAU #108
Date of Meeting: Wednesday March 19, 2025 5:15pm non-public, 6pm Public
Meeting Location: Bridgewater-Hebron Village School (Library)
25 School House Road
Bridgewater, NH 03222
Meeting Agenda: (subject to change as needs arise)
1. Review public minutes of March 5, 2025
2. Public Comment
3. Updates
4. New Business
5. Public Comment
Non Public session:(Only when requested for items of a confidential nature)
91-A:3 II (k) Consideration by a school board of entering into a student or pupil tuition contract authorized by RSA 194 or RSA 195-A, which, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whose interests are adverse to those of the general public or the school district that is considering a contract, including any meeting between the school boards, or committees thereof, involved in the negotiations. A contract negotiated by a school board shall be made public prior to its consideration for approval by a school district, together with minutes of all meetings held in nonpublic session, any proposals or records related to the contract, and any proposal or records involving a school district that did not become a party to the contract, shall be made public. Approval of a contract by a school district shall occur only at a meeting open to the public at which, or after which, the public has had an opportunity to participate.
(l) Consideration of legal advice provided by legal counsel, either in writing or orally, to one or more members of the public body, even where legal counsel is not present.
SAU #108
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 6:00pm public
Meeting Location: Bridgewater-Hebron Village School (Gymnasium)
25 School House Road
Bridgewater, NH 03222
No new voter registrations can be accepted on March 25.
Check-In Procedure When Arriving at the School Meeting:
Registered voters will check in with their Town's Supervisors of the Checklist in the gymnasium.
Please be prepared to provide photo identification to the Supervisors of the Checklist.
The Supervisors of the Checklist will provide the voter with a voter card to be used for any voting that requires a hand count.
School Board Members:
Mark Coulson; Hebron Representative -
Erick Piper; Bridgewater Representative -
Virginia Parker; Groton Representative -
Bridgewater Hebron Steering Committee Members:
Terence Murphy; Bridgewater Selectman -
Patrick Moriarty; Hebron Selectman
John Rescigno; Groton Selectman
Erick Piper; Bridgewater Representative
Jennifer Larochelle; Hebron Representative
Virginia Parker; Groton Representative
Bridgewater-Hebron Village District Representatives:
Derry Riddle
William White
Terence Murphy
Update. The Governor recently signed HB 349 into law. This law is called enabling legislation. It grants legal authority to the Towns of Bridgewater, Hebron, and Groton to withdraw from the 7-town Newfound Area School District and establish our own 3-town school district based on a K-8 model. The creation of our new school district is contingent upon a majority vote in each of our 3 towns at our 2024 annual town or special meeting. If our voters approve, the effective operational date of our new school district is July 1, 2025. This bill received widespread bi-partisan support in the legislature. It passed unanimously in both the House and Senate. All three state senators representing the 7-town Newfound Area School District voted in favor and voiced strong support in committee hearings. Such widespread legislative support confirms this excellent concept and a once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve education outcomes for our children. Moreover, a smaller tight-knit school district allows greater voter input and control over education curriculum and costs, and shorter bus rides for Groton’s students. Sometimes smaller is better.
Next Steps. The new law sets out a series of sequential steps over the next two years culminating in the July 1, 2025, operational date of the new school district. The first step requires our Select Boards to appoint a withdrawal committee to begin administrative planning for the new district prior to the 2024 withdrawal adoption vote. This committee will begin discussions on a draft school budget, preliminary high school tuition agreements, superintendent services, and activities and sports. The goal is to provide as much information as possible to parents and citizens prior to the withdrawal vote. The next step takes place at our 2024 annual town or special meeting. After the vote by the 3 towns to adopt the provisions of this act, the State Board of Education issues a “certificate of withdrawal” from the Newfound Area School District. After the withdrawal vote, follow-on steps include a special election for a new 3-town School Board and Budget Committee. The act requires new School Board members to organize promptly “to take any action necessary to carry out the provisions of this law.”
Transparency. An informed citizenry makes their communities better. Our Select Board will strive to provide you with the knowledge and resources to help you help our community make this new and exciting educational opportunity for our children a reality. As the process evolves, our selectmen plan to hold “face-to-face” meetings to update you on progress, answer questions, and listen to feedback.
Our Vision. As noted from the outset, our vision is simple: we aspire to improve educational outcomes for our children with an innovative alternative to a traditional Middle School. We strive to do this by fulfilling the provisions of this act to establish our own 3-town school district and reconfiguring the Village District School to a K-8 model. A smaller tight-knit school district allows greater voter control over education costs and our citizens tax burden. It also provides more intimate input over curriculum and administrative policy, and shorter bus rides for Groton’s students. As noted above, sometimes smaller is better.
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